As part of an ongoing programme to improve our water supply network we are installing more than 900 metres of new water main in Wokingham, Berkshire.
This vital, £600,000 scheme is necessary to improve the capacity of the network and ensure we can continue to maintain water pressure to the area as the community grows.
How can we ensure this work is done with minimum disruption to you?
We are using traditional trenching techniques to install the new water main. Work started at a point approximately 100 metres west of the junction of Ashridge Road and Warren House Road.
The project heads east along Warren House Road and Keephatch Road up to the junction with Campion Way and Hughes Road. We will then be moving into Binfield Road and Bean Oak Road to complete the works.

As agreed by the local Highways authority, the roads will be closed in sections, meaning the closure will move along as we progress with our construction works.
Temporary traffic lights will also be used at the roundabouts of Warren House Road and Keephatch Road and Keephatch Road and Campion Way. While we are sorry for any disruption this may cause they are vital for us to ensure the safety of the public and our workforce.
When did the project start?
Construction started on 6 June 2022 and we anticipate the project will take approximately seven months to complete.
The diversion routes

Project updates
23 January 2023
All 815 metres of pipe has now been installed and our team is working to connect the new water main to our existing network.
19 January 2023
All pipe within Keephatch Road has now been laid and tested, meaning the road closure has been removed. Temporary two-way traffic lights are in operation to keep passing motorists and pedestrians safe from our working area.
12 December 2022
We’ve continued to make really good progress with our work to install more than 900 metres of new water main in the area.
The new pipe, which will increase the capacity of the local water network and futureproof tap water supplies, is currently being installed along Keephatch Road. A road closure is in place to keep the public and our workforce safe.
We want to keep disruption to an absolute minimum over the festive period so our workforce will be taking a short break from 23 December 2022.
The construction team will return to site on 3 January 2023 and continue to install pipe between Binfield Road and Hughes Road. Temporary traffic lights will be installed at the roundabout with Hughes Road and Campion Way to help safely manage traffic through the area.
Once this is complete, the final phase of the project will see our team connect the new pipe to our existing network.
This will involve a road closure in Binfield Road, between Keephatch Road and Bean Oak Road, which we anticipate will be between 16 and 27 January 2022.
We are very sorry for any disruption these vital works may have caused.
21 November 2022
Following discussions with the local Highways authority, we have agreed to move our work in Binfield Road to January to minimise disruption to the local community. This will now take place between 17 and 26 January under a road closure. A clearly-signed diversion route will guide motorists through Binfield Road, Plough Lane and Bean Oak Road. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this vital work may cause.
16 November 2022
Work in Keephatch Road is making excellent progress and more than 500 metres of pipe has been installed in total so far.
Our workforce will take a break over the Christmas period to minimise disruption to the local community and all traffic management will be removed during this time.
We will write to residents with confirmed dates nearer the time.
18 October 2022
Our working area has now moved into Keephatch Road, meaning Warren House Road has reopened as usual. Keephatch Road is closed to passing traffic and a clearly-signed diversion route, agreed by Wokingham Borough Council, is in place. We are very sorry for any disruption this essential work may be causing to customers and motorists.
27 September 2022
Our vital project to install more than 900 metres of pipe in Wokingham – to protect tap water supplies both now and in the future – is continuing to make good progress.
More than a third of the total pipe has been installed so far. Work has progressed from Warren House Road to Keephatch Road, which is currently closed between Pigott Road and the junction of Keephatch Road and Wheeler Avenue.
The next phase of work will see pipe continue along Keephatch Road, working towards its junctions with Campion Way and Hughes Road.
Once this section begins, which we anticipate will be in the week commencing 10 October 2022, the road closure will move to a point past the junction of Keephatch Road and Wheeler Avenue.
This means motorists will need to turn right at the roundabout and follow our clearly-signed diversion route, rather than continuing straight.
Access to homes will be maintained at all times and our friendly team on site will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
30 August 2022
We're continuing to make good progress with more than 160 metres of new water pipe installed so far. A road closure is in place along Warren House Road and we're very sorry for any disruption this work may be causing.
19 July 2022
All pipe west of the junction of Ashridge Road and Warren House Road has now been installed. From Monday, we will begin installing pipe along the eastern section of Warren House Road, working towards the junction of Keephatch Road.
Our road closure will move to the east of the junction of Ashridge Road and Warren House Road from Monday and we are extremely sorry for any disruption this may cause. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times.
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