Sweater late than never to turn over a new leaf

25th October 2023

With summer in the rear view mirror and autumn now upon us, we'll likely use more energy as the evenings get colder.

Water is a silent user of energy. Every time we heat our water for washing the dishes, clothes, and ourselves, it all adds up.

Yes, of course, we need to use water, but by thinking about how much we really need before turning the tap and following these simple swaps, we can save energy, water, and money.

Showers and baths

In a household of four, each person cutting down the showering time to four minutes could save £80 a year on the household energy bill.

For every minute you shorten your shower, you can save 8 litres of water. That’s thousands of litres of water a year. If you need some inspiration, why not use our shower playlist on Spotify(opens in a new tab) and see if you can finish your shower by the end of the song?

The average showerhead uses 12 litres of water a minute, with power showers using around 15 litres – if you consider that the average shower is around 10 minutes long, that’s up to 150 litres of water every time you shower!

Switching to an aerated showerhead will reduce the amount of water used by 50%, by mixing the water with air so there is no compromise on the water pressure. This means you’re heating less but can still enjoy your wash. Try it out yourself by getting a free showerhead here.

In the kitchen

If you’re having a brew to warm the cockles, remember to only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need. Overfilling the kettle takes longer for it to boil, using more energy, and could cost you an extra £13 a year on your energy bill. It may not seem like much, but it soon adds up across all your household appliances.

A dishwasher in an ECO setting can use less water and energy than washing the dishes by hand if the dishwasher is full. If you’re buying a new one, check the capacity that best suits your needs.

You don’t need to pre-rinse your dishes. Most detergents are effective enough, so scraping off the food will do just fine.

Protect your pipes

It’s not too early to prepare for the winter weather; wrap up your pipes with a foam cover and pop a jacket on your taps to stop them from freezing and bursting. It’s also a great idea to know the location of your internal stop tap and check that it’s working.

Collect the autumn showers

Use a water butt or two to collect the rain to use in drier periods. The plants love the minerals found in rain, which are removed during the treatment process, and the water used won’t be added to your water bill.

So, while we’re sad to see off summer, we can look forward to the golden leaves and cooler nights and be thankful for the rain that keeps us and the environment thriving.

For more information on water and energy, visit: https://www.southeastwater.co.uk/about/updates/water-the-silent-user-of-energy/

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