Our Business Plan was the most ambitious plan we have ever produced.
Customers and stakeholders supported our regionally targeted plan, which focused on:
- Investing in new sustainable water resources.
- Improving network resilience.
- Increasing drinking water storage capacity.
- Installing 275,000 smart meters.
- Implement a smart water network.
- Utilise innovation to reduce leakage.
- Collaborate environmentally to improve raw water quality.
- Build new nitrate treatment plants.
- Continue to deliver excellent drinking water quality.
- Introduce a six-point plan to remove water poverty by 2030.
Our response to the draft determination, detailed in the documents below, provides further evidence to Ofwat of the changes that should be made to the Final Determination. We believe that these changes will deliver an improved level of resilience and performance for our customers and better environmental outcomes.
Executive Summary
Performance Commitments and Outcome Delivery Incentives
Bills and affordability
Tables and table commentary
- PR24 BP tables(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 - new additional business plan data tables(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 assurance statement (opens in a new tab)
- Outcomes table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Additional table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Supplementary table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Summary table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Past delivery table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Risk and return table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Costs wholesale water table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Water resources table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Retail table commentary(opens in a new tab)
- Developer services table commentary (opens in a new tab)
- Reconciliation models and tables(opens in a new tab)
- Cost of new debt indexation(opens in a new tab)
- Cost sharing total costs reconciliation(opens in a new tab)
- Developer Services reconciliation model(opens in a new tab)
- Capital allowance update(opens in a new tab)
- ODI performance model 2024-25(opens in a new tab)
- Land sales DDR(opens in a new tab)
- Bill waterfall model DD response submission(opens in a new tab)
- RCV adjustments model(opens in a new tab)
- Residential retail reconciliation (opens in a new tab)
- Revenue adjustments model(opens in a new tab)
- Revenue forecasting incentive(opens in a new tab)
- CPIH wedge model(opens in a new tab)
- DD Tax reconciliation(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 financial model response submission(opens in a new tab)
- Business plan tables to financial model mapping tool(opens in a new tab)
- DD summary tables(opens in a new tab)
Draft Determination Company Representation Proforma
Partially Redacted
- SEWDD2b15-PR24 RZ8 Scheme 1 Resilience Scheme Analysis(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b16-PR24 RZ6 Scheme 1 Resilience Scheme Analysis(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b17-PR24 RZ6 Halling Schemes Analysis(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b18-PR24 RZ8 Ashford Schemes Analysis(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b19-PR24 RZ1 Incident Demand Summary(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e05 Report Beenhams Health WTW v2.0 (opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e06 Report Cookham WTW v2.0 Redacted(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e07 Report Cow Wish WTW v2.0 Redacted(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e08 SEW PR 24 Additional Schemes(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD6 Direct Procurement for customers(opens in a new tab)
- Financials Response(opens in a new tab)
- Estimating the Cost of New Debt and Additional Borrowing Costs(opens in a new tab)
- Estimating the Cost of Equity(opens in a new tab)
- Cost of Embedded Debt – analysis of and commentary on Ofwat’s PR24 DD position(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 risk analysis for a notional company(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 DDs: Cost of Debt –Company Specific Adjustment(opens in a new tab)
Cost Assessment
- OFW-OBQ-SEW-124 company response(opens in a new tab)
- OFW-OBQ-SEW-090 company response(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - WINEP(opens in a new tab)
- Appendix I – Draft Determination(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - water quality (opens in a new tab)
- Appendix 1 – Arlington PFAS Catchment Investgation(opens in a new tab)
- Appendix 2 - DWI Support for Additonal Nitrate Schemes(opens in a new tab)
- PFAS Uncertainty at PR24(opens in a new tab)
- Cookham Treatment Works, Nitrate Risk(opens in a new tab)
- Cookham Treatment Works, Nitrate Risk cover letter(opens in a new tab)
- Cow Wish Treatment Works, Nitrate Risk(opens in a new tab)
- Cow Wish Treatment Works, Nitrate Risk cover letter(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - net zero(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - smart metering(opens in a new tab)
- Review of Ofwat's smart metering assessment at PR24(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - base expenditure(opens in a new tab)
- The importance of a balanced approach to frontier shift(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 Price Forecasts(opens in a new tab)
- Addressing the disconnect between cost and outcomes(opens in a new tab)
- Base cost modelling at PR24 (opens in a new tab)
- Cost adjustment claims(opens in a new tab)
- Business Rates liability over PR24 response(opens in a new tab)
- Ofwat’s PR24 Draft Determinations of energy costs(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - summary(opens in a new tab)
- Climate Metrics for Adaptive Pathways(opens in a new tab)
- PR24 Benchmarking Report(opens in a new tab)
- Response to cost assessment - supply demand balance(opens in a new tab)
- WRC's assessment of Ofwat's Draft Determination(opens in a new tab)
- Artesia's review of Ofwat’s Draft Determination (opens in a new tab)
Price Control Deliverables
Fully redacted
- SEWDD2b06 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ1 slide-1-G(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b07 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ2 slide-2-H(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b08 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ3 slide-3-E(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b09 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ4 slide-4-F(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b10 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ5 slide-5-D(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b13 - 15404 SEW Strategic Overview RZ8 slide-8-E (opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b14 - SEW10 Combined Dossiers (opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b20 Priority List_DD_MASTER_FINAL(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b21 - REF 7 Base works AMP9 - reduction from enhancement(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b22 - SRN005 - REF 5 - RZ3 - Scheme 04 - Windover SR Resilience v1(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b23 - SRN006 - REF 9 - RZ3 - Scheme 02 - Standard Hill SR Upsizing v1(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b24 -BWLATK-02-XX-DR-PR000004 - Process Block Diagram P01(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b24 -BWLATK-02-XX-DR-PR000004 - Process Block Diagram P01(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b25 -BWLATK-00-XX-DR-ce000107 – Site Layout Plan P01(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b26 -BWLATK-02-ZZ-DR-ME000254 – Interface Piping layout P01 (1)(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b26 -BWLATK-02-ZZ-DR-ME000254 – Interface Piping layout P01 (1)(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b27- BWLATK-00-XX-M3-CE000110 – Cross Section Detail P01 (1)(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b30 - Tonbridge WTW & Pembury WTW Feasibility Studies (opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2b31_SRN001 - REF 6 – RZ2 - Scheme 2 – Groombridge deficit_v3(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2c03 WRMP24 Sub-zonal supply-demand balance assessment_Annex B(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2d02 - Appendix II for PR24 Draft Determination - SEW WINEP Response.pdf(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2d03 - Appendix III for PR24 Draft Determination - SEW WINEP Response V8.0 .pdf(opens in a new tab)
- SEW PFAS options v0.2(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e28 – SEW DD Response NIS V8 Final(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e29 – SEW DD Response SEMD Alternative Water V1 Final(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e31 - 2 SEW88 Alternate water - SEMD.pdf(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e32 - 3 OFW-OBQ-SEW-118 - SEW response - Redacted.pdf(opens in a new tab)
- SEWDD2e33 - 4 CWN002- REF 1 - DWI Support Request Form (SEMD) - Redacted.pdf(opens in a new tab)